EPA Considers Hazardous Chemical Designation for Vinyl Chloride

Statement by Darya Minovi, Union of Concerned Scientists


华盛顿(2023年12月20日).S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced plans to consider designating vinyl chloride, a fossil fuel-derived chemical predominantly used in plastics production (especially polyvinyl chloride, 或PVC), as a high-priority chemical under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the nation’s primary law regulating chemical production and importation. 如果最终确定, this process will evaluate the risks that vinyl chloride poses to human health, particularly for infants and children and for people who are exposed to vinyl chloride in the workplace. 一旦风险评估完成, EPA may determine that vinyl chloride must be more strictly regulated under TSCA, 并可能逐步停止使用. This is an important opportunity to put science to work and protect people from serious health risks, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

以下是Darya Minovi的声明, senior research analyst for the Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 at UCS.

今年早些时候, a train carrying hazardous chemicals—including vinyl chloride—derailed in East Palestine, 俄亥俄州, 污染空气, 坠机地点周围的水和土壤. Months later, the community is still dealing with the aftermath. This disaster highlights the dangers posed by vinyl chloride—and it’s just one of at least 20 dangerous incidents involving vinyl chloride over the past two years. Vinyl chloride is one of the most commonly produced substances in the world, and the EPA is right to examine whether it needs to be more strictly regulated as a toxic substance.

“While this is just the start of a years-long process, the scientific evidence is overwhelming—vinyl chloride causes unacceptable levels of harm to human health and the environment, 从生产到处置的影响. According to recent research from Toxic-Free Future, 超过370个,000 people live within three miles of a facility that manufactures, uses or disposes of vinyl chloride and associated products. Of those people, 63% are people of color and 27% are children. EPA must give full consideration to the effects of vinyl chloride, including the cumulative impacts to fenceline communities that are overburdened by multiple pollutants and stressors. We’re hopeful this process will follow the science, bypass profit-motivated pressure from industry, and lead to a meaningful reduction in vinyl chloride use and exposure.”